How to Parallel Park

How to Parallel Park
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Parallel parking: the bane of driving tests and the nemesis of many a motorist. But fear not, weary driver! This guide will transform you from parking pad pariah to parallel parking Picasso. With concise steps, handy hints, and FAQs, you’ll be maneuvering into tight spaces like a seasoned pro in no time.


The 7 Steps to Parallel Parking Nirvana:

Sizing Up the Space:

Imagine the parking spot as a rectangle, and aim to be at least 1.5 times its length for comfortable maneuvering.

Positioning is Key:

Pull up parallel to the parked car in front, leaving around 2-3 feet of space between your vehicles. Align your rear passenger-side mirror with the driver’s side mirror of the parked car.

Turn Right, Reverse, and Pivot:

Crank the wheel to the right and slowly reverse. Remember, your car’s rear end will swing out in a wider arc the more you turn.

Mirror Mastery:

When the curb disappears under your front door handle in the right mirror (V-shape alert!), and you see the headlights of the car behind you filling your left mirror, it’s time to adjust.

Straighten Up and Back In:

Center your steering wheel and reverse cautiously until your car is roughly parallel to the curb.


Now, turn the wheel to the left and reverse slowly to fit snugly into the space. Don’t forget to check your left mirror for that pesky curb!

Perfect Parking, Poised Poseur:

Straighten your wheels, breathe a sigh of relief, and bask in the glory of your parallel parking prowess!


What if I don’t see the curb in my mirror? 
Use the “door handle trick”: When the curb touches your front door handle, you’re about a foot away.

How many adjustments should I make? 
Keep it minimal! Overcorrecting leads to chaos.

I’m nervous, can I practice? 
Absolutely! Grab some cones or friendly helpers and set up your parallel parking playground.


Parallel parking may seem daunting, but with practice and these handy tips, you’ll be navigating tight spaces with confidence. Remember, slow and steady wins the race (and the parking spot)! So, get out there, conquer those curbs, and park like a pro!

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